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spike last won the day on January 30 2021

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About spike

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  1. I just got 3 Goodyear Eagle 2.125 tires in decent shape yesterday at Long Beach and I'm already riding on one.
  2. It was cool to see myself in a couple of shots at McClaren. I have NO pictures of me racing at McClaren. Oakley in the lead. It was a cool track. I think the track shown at the end is Vallejo which I raced too.
  3. Tried to message you but you can't get them. PM me when you can.
  4. I have a Schwerma Champ that I have been trying to get rid of.
  5. Bottom line for me is Champion BMX frames DIED when Doug Schwerma did. If it wasn't made when Doug was alive it isn't really a Champion.
  6. 85Cali, I SAW the tubing at the Champion Crane Co building. I didn't see how much but there were top/bottom tubes cut and fishmouthed. Other stuff was just about ready for welding too.
  7. About 7 or so years ago I was riding my Schwerma Champion at the LB swap meet and a seller mentioned he had some Champion pads that I might be interested in and gave me his card which was for Champion Cranes. I went out there and he gave me a pad set and then showed me a bunch of different size tubing already cut and fishmouthed, bottom brackets, head tubes and all the jigs that were left over from the frame business so the tubing story is probably correct. There might have been some fork legs and head tubes too, can't remember. They used the left over forks to hang crane cables by welding the headtube to posts with the fork ends at about 45 degree angle.
  8. Found these at a swap meet. Guy I bought them from says the came off an early Red Line squareback. I liked the shap and feel so I got them. I asked Reilley and he thought maybe they were Gurney bars? Gooseneck was bulked up with turd looking welding but it is something that could have been done in the mid 70's. The sleeve welded to the center for the gooseneck is something I haven't seen. Any idea what these might be?
  9. Just my thoughts. Unpopular with the majority but that's cool with me. I would never own a 24 or 26 inch bike and I'd dig having an exact replica of Thom's original drilled out mono. But that is just me.
  10. Cool info Wayne. I agree with Steve(big fire). Build some of the big frames which I assume is what Thom originally had. They can't really, argumentatively, be considered repops since none exist.
  11. Thom, great to see you are well and raising hell as usual. I dug the fact the Wayne King came on here and "dropped some knowledge" as the whippersnappers say these days. I would LOVE to have an EXACT replica of your swiss cheese frame with NOTHING changed from the way it originally built, but I'm weird like that. I TRULY do regret not buying your mono when I had the chance but I knew Reilley was the true caretaker of that bike. Just having that bike at my place for a few days was cool in and of itself. You and Wayne should just do what you plan to do. There are gonna be some who say "FUCK YEAH", like me, and others are gonna say you are ruining the brand, the history, blah, blah, blah. There is ALWAYS gonna be 2 camps anytime something gets brought back to life. Roll with camp that digs what you and Wayne would like to do. As I still ride I think it would be a blast to ride an EXACT replica of that iconic frame. Probably wouldn't fit in the bay of the tour bus like bike I have on tour with me does now. I'd love to know who, if not you Thom, drilled out that frame? How many times that it broke before you finally had the front triangle replaced? Wayne mentioned various geometries and frame lengths as well. You made that frame what it is. Some of the most iconic and mind searing pics in my mind are of you on that thing!
  12. JP's or Thom's loop tail Redline!!!!