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S.Brothers last won the day on January 30 2023

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About S.Brothers

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    nil illegitimi carborundum
  • Birthday 01/05/1969

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  1. great story, nice frame set and those embossed pads are sick... your Dad's gear is rad too.
  2. How have you been, George? Long time. I'm actually way behind on the recap... been so busy. There is so much more.
  3. those are spectacular... really nice examples. Congrats... that's quite a winning streak.
  4. incredible shots, really cool documentation of your early sidehack endeavors.
  5. We started off our VIP line up with Dave Clinton & Dennis Dain... first wave super OG's... Dennis let me know he was more comfortable with this format, as opposed to just taking the podium with a prepared speech. It got the conversation started for sure... Oz and these guys took off right out of the gate with no "dead air" at all. LOL Thanks again to Dennis for sharing his photo that Oz took, the one we ran with as the event's main logo graphic. In order to paint a better picture of the moment for those who were not there, I will also mention that the walk up music for Dennis and Dave was like the first 20 seconds of ZZ Top's Waitin' for the Bus. Link in comments.
  6. Toby Henderson, the fellow behind our Title Sponsor, Bicycle Motocross Action Magazine, in its present form as a non-profit organization, also happens to be a multi-cover, heavily published in BMXaction, Superstar that was ALSO a VIP guest speaker at our Bob Osborn Symposium. Toby was a key player in the show and symposium. Thanks to Toby and his team. They set up an amazing display at the Bike Show and hosted our guest of honor, Bob Osborn all afternoon, in an epic multi-hour autograph session that featured other stars like Cathy Hanna and Dana "The Duke" himself. Everyone who wanted to, got the opportunity to meet Oz, have a chat with him and get some cool stickers from BMXaction and you could also pick up a hat or shirt with legacy Bicycle Motocross Action logos. Thanks to Oz for being so available and thanks to Toby for your time on stage and the support from you and your team from the planning stages through the night of the show itself. Can't thank you enough.
  7. as promised, this is sort of a debrief on the show and some of the things that happened. I'll be trying to post a bunch of stuff in the next few days. Let's begin with this... In the lead up to this event, we focused mainly on the incredible guest list featuring a lot of "BMX Celebrities", if you will. We all enjoy seeing these folks... our childhood idols, heroes, and maybe in Windy or Cathy's case... also,crushes. But what Bob Osborn brought us, through the medium of his magazines was something much more powerful than merely basic coverage and news for "fans" of BMX riders. In the run up to this event, I spoke to a lot of people and it was mentioned over and over... further, I've seen it mentioned in so many people's comments in the aftermath of the show as well... we all concur... these publications changed our lives for the better. For those of us who never appeared on a cover, or for that matter even made a main at a national... these magazines were much more than race or contest results. It immersed us in what was cool... it clued us in to everything from the coolest bike brands and hot parts, to fashion (think Vans, OP, etc, etc) to music, vocabulary, art and so much more. I've heard again and again, how these publications have informed peoples' lifelong aspirations and creativity, and how it impacted everything from sense of humor to hobbies to career paths. That's the story for pretty much all of us, to greater or lesser degrees. So, I needed to bring the "every-man", the "Joe Kidd" into this event and I chose two special people to share their stories and thereby represent all of us moto-filler dudes. I chose them because their stories are so remarkably poignant. I'm not kidding... I would often get a little choked up when I recounted these guys' stories to people when I was trying to explain what would happen at the event. I've heard from a number of folks, who told me that, although they loved all the VIP's and the fun banter that flowed from their segments with Oz, that it was these "regular guys" and their stories that left the deepest impression. Their stories are remarkable. We started with Kevin Marshall. Kevin had childhood arthritis. He was the feeble kid on crutches and leg braces as a boy. His Dad would carry him up the stairs to bed each night, because his legs didn't bend for taking the stairs due to pain and braces etc. Long story short... one day in junior high, a classmate turned around in class and asked Kevin if he'd like to see something cool. He said sure, and the other kid handed him a BMX Action magazine . Kevin still has that exact magazine (see photo from Kev's slide show attached). It lit a fire of inspiration in him and as Kevin puts it, he "pedaled the arthritis out of my body". He worked at it and worked at it, and slowly he not only became an avid rider... but also a pretty dang good freestylist. He went on to be very successful in life - he's a very big dude at Microsoft... I'll leave it at that, and suffice to say that BMX and Bob Osborn obviously will always hold a special place in his heart for the transformation they brought to his life. Story #2 David Wasoka We lead with David Wasoka after we came out of the intermission at the show. We had already had a pretty good first half of BMX legends weighing in after Kevin's lead off presentation. David took the stage and laid another incredible and moving story on us. David was a kid that struggled mightily with learning to read. He had dyslexia and he just had a real hard time with reading. His Mom, noting his interest in BMX and the magazines, decided to enact the discipline of a nightly regimen where after dinner they'd sit at the table and practice and practice more, reading BMX Action and doing writing drills based off the text in the magazine. Slowly but surely, it started to take, and through his discipline and clearly a wonderful mother, he parlayed his interest in BMX and BMX Action magazine into the ability to read. By the end of grade school, he was doing MUCH better... he could read and write. David is now a teacher. He teaches kids with learning disabilities how to read. My friends... these stories move me to the core. That's why I chose THESE two guys to represent all of us no-name BMX lovers. Thank you David and Kevin for bringing your powerful stories and perspectives to the BMX Society's Bob Osborn Symposium. It was a key part of the evening. You guys are absolutely as important as all our better known Superstar speakers, because you complete this picture... the picture that shows what Oz and these magazines are to all of us. It's very deep. Thank you. Profound appreciation to our official photographer, Paul Morton for his crucial work in documenting these really special moments. ** You'll no doubt notice that Bob Osborn, and many of the guests, as well as Scott and I, are often photographed looking down. This is because there is a monitor at the foot of the stage showing us, what the audience can see on the big screen behind us. Kevin Marshall, Oz, Scott Towne, Steve Kevin Marshall and Oz David Wasoka David Wasoka
  8. The moment Bob Osborn took the stage... he was accompanied by Black Sabbath's "The Wizard" as his walk up music.